Thursday, February 20, 2020

World history (1500 to the present) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

World history (1500 to the present) - Essay Example He represented a growing population of Catholics who were dissatisfied with the administration of the church and who felt that reformation was called for. This one action spurred detractors and supporters of the Catholic Church to decide once and for all what was acceptable practice within the religion. The primary outcome of this movement was the establishment of Protestantism in Europe and the splintering of the Christian faith into many different factions. The African slave trade is something that was both very localized in terms of certain participating countries, such as the United States, Great Britain, Portugal and the various African countries from which slaves were taken; however it was also an undeniably global force. From the earliest years of the African slave trade in the 15th century, Portugal took a leading role in the spread of slaves from their native continent to Europe and to the South American continent (Bulliet et all, 2000). As trade progressed, countries such as Spain, France, England and Denmark joined in with their own ships. What has been termed a 'middle passage' refers to the triangular journey from Europe to Africa, then to the Americas. Captives were forcibly led to collection points in Africa where they were purchased by Europeans, then loaded onto ships for delivery to the New World. Men were chained together to save space, and all captives were fed one meal a day. Many of the Africans died due to dysenter y, scurvy, measles, smallpox and other diseases. The 18th century was peppered with revolution and rebellion in terms of politics and human rights; it is generally thought that these events led to a more widespread political participation within many nations. The French Revolution and the Irish Revolution (1789; 1798, respectively) were two such events that certainly did lead to a higher interest in politics and social structure in both countries and other nations nearby (Overfield and Andrea, 1993). The French Revolution saw the abolition of the aristocracy and the rise of the working class because of a burgeoning idea that all people were equal and were born with certain inalienable rights. The absolute monarchy was removed and the next years were spent in constant governmental reconstruction. The Irish Revolution was unsuccessful in that it failed to shake off the control of Great Britain in Ireland, however the social atmosphere before, during and after the Revolution shows clearly that the Irish people were very concerned for their own welfare and willing to participate in any number of plans to gain autocracy. Reference List Bulliet, R., Crossley, P., Headrick, D., Hirsch, S., Johnson, L. and Northrup, D. (2000). The Earth and its Peoples: A Global History, volume II, 3rd edition. Houghton Miflin Company. Overfield, A. and Andrea, J. (1993). The Human Record: Sources of Global History, 2nd edition. Houghto

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

English class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

English class - Essay Example Thus, the article finds that a general apprehension exists that video games cause violent behavior in children. However, the article challenges this contention as it does not seem tenable, though it concedes to the notion that to a certain extent, video games may impact children’s behavior. The article focuses on the premise that video games contain a lot of violence, bloodshed, objectification of females and sexual content. However, it emphasizes a more significant concern that viewing experience in the media, in terms of audio visual components, are â€Å"extraordinarily life like, and these effects can be particularly striking in violent games† (1). It also concedes to the fact that despite the existence of rating systems by the ESRB, children disregard the classification and even those below 13 years watch the content that is permissible to those in the age group of 17. The article also refers to research studies that â€Å"lend credence to concerns about the impact of violent video games† (3). However, this does not prove that games such as GTA cause violent behavior in children. The article, further, challenges this concept by arguing that there is â€Å"little or no evidence to support any of these theories† which purport that violence in th e video games such as GTA can provoke violent behavior in children (2). I believe that exposure to violent media or video games alone cannot make children to indulge in violent behavior. My research premise is based on the concept that many factors such as genetic framework, social circumstances, psychological reasons etc cause violent behaviors in humans. Therefore, children who possess any such specific traits or who remain exposed to any of the causative elements, stand the chance of displaying violent behavior. I do not agree with the evidence based on a study among 1254 students, which indicates that violent games cause aggression in children. It claims that those who play games are â€Å"more likely than their